Coopersystem, a subsidiary of ICCREA, one of the largest co-operative banks in Italy, has an important mission: to manage a fleet of over 200,000 point-of-sale (POS) terminals of various types across Italy, serving approximately 120 banks. To achieve this, the company relies on a strong ally: TNS’ connectivity solutions and its Level 1 PCI DSS certified network. 

As a long-standing client, Coopersystem has found in TNS the secret to delivering transactions securely and reliably to its acquirers. In this video, Marco Monti, CEO of Coopersystem, explains that in a recent collaboration, TNS played a crucial role in providing support for the integration of POS terminals for a major retail client. 

The CEO of Coopersystem states that TNS, in addition to meeting technological demands and customer needs, is also a facilitator in solving connectivity management issues: “A single company that does it all!”  

Watch the full testimonial in the video to learn more.