1. What has happened to consumer trust in voice calls?

 Consumers are simply not answering calls from unknown numbers, in large part due to the 70 billion robocalls Americans received last year. Due to the overwhelming amount of robocalls, 75% of consumers never answer a call from an unknown number. As a result, businesses in verticals that rely heavily on voice calling for high-trust communicationssuch as financial services and banks­ – are challenged to engage with customers and prospects in a timely and effective fashion.

  1. How have Financial Services companies responded to this challenge?

Financial services companies have sought solutions to improve customer call answer rates, drive more meaningful engagement and restore trust in voice calling in response to the challenge. This market challenge has also been met with new branded calling technologies to help financial services organizations restore trust in voice calling.

  1. How can TNS Enterprise Branded Calling help improve your Financial Services business?

TNS Enterprise Branded Calling can help facilitate an improved lead-generation process by helping financial services enterprises and banks convert qualified leads that originate through other channels such as the web, email and social media. With more brand information on the incoming call, the consumer will connect the call to earlier touch points and be more likely to answer the phone. This helps enable call agents to reach customers in fewer calls providing opportunities for them to make more calls throughout a business day.

  1. Does branded calling only work for certain types of Financial Services companies?

Whether it is a bank alerting a customer to fraudulent account activity, a brokerage firm confirming the sale of a stock position, or a retirement planning organization trying to schedule an annual meeting, branded calling solutions can help any financial services entity that’s facing low call answer rates among its customer base.

In a recent pilot, a corporate advisory firm found that TNS Enterprise Branded Calling increased one of its client’s customer engagement rates (answer rates) by 133%.

  1. What makes TNS Enterprise Branded Calling stand out?

TNS Enterprise Branded Calling delivers rich call content to help give financial services clients the confidence and motivation to answer the phone. The solution is easily scalable and integrated into APIs. No matter the size of the financial services enterprise, it is simple to onboard.

In the last 10 years, TNS has delivered more than one billion branded calls across US wireless carrier networks. This track record of developing and delivering branded calling solutions to market means it is best positioned to help improve businesses’ bottom line by facilitating an expedited lead-generation process and enhancing organizations’ call agent productivity.

Jim Tyrrell is Vice President of Enterprise Product Management at TNS with specific responsibility for TNS’ Communications Market solutions.

Contact Us

TNS Enterprise Branded Calling helps improve call answer and conversion rates, achieve better call durations and gives you a competitive advantage. Fill out this short form for more information from a TNS representative about how branded caller ID can help you and your business succeed.

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