- Getting Your Calls Answered
Consumers are making healthier choices, presenting exciting opportunities for companies that offer healthy foods, but also challenges. These companies often rely on customer communication for engagement and new sales, but those calls can get lost amid the swarms of robocalls flooding consumer telephones. The first step for many companies is how can they increase the number of customers and prospects who answer the phone.
The solution is TNS Enterprise Branded Calling, which puts more company information on a caller ID screen and has been shown to increase business answer rates and restore consumer trust.
- Increasing Consumer Trust
But answering the phone isn’t always enough, consumers may be wary of health-related products and services because of the prevalence of weight loss and diet scams. Bogus diet products and programs rank number one among healthcare scams reported to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)1.
TNS Enterprise Branded Calling helps restore trust in voice calling by providing legitimate brand information on an incoming call screen every time you get in touch so recipients can trust who’s calling and feel more engaged and ready to listen. By increasing consumer trust, answer rates and business revenues can go up, messaging can become more efficient, and the customer experience can be elevated.
A recent survey of US adults2 revealed that 70% would answer a call if they recognized the brand logo and name on their incoming call screen. Sixty-seven percent feel that seeing a brand logo and name on an incoming call increases their trust in the call.
- Encouraging Customer Loyalty and Longevity
People struggle to eat better, presenting many opportunities for health-oriented businesses. Did you know half of all consumers in the US and parts of Europe, and across all age groups, say healthy eating is a top priority for them3? Forty-nine percent of US consumers plan to order healthier food for delivery4 and an estimated forty-five million Americans go on a diet each year, spending thirty-three billion dollars on weight loss products5.
For example, products such as nutritious meal kits are a convenient way for customers to eat better, but customer retention is a challenge. TNS Enterprise Branded Calling helps companies regularly connect with their existing customers to share new recipes and special offers, as well as troubleshoot any issues or complaints. This can help to reduce cancellations, increase loyalty and encourage customer longevity. Meal kit revenue worldwide is expected to grow to over 19 billion USD by 2027, with a CAGR of 12.8%6. Seventeen percent of the US consumer market has tried meal kits7.
Click here to learn more about how TNS Enterprise Branded Calling can help your company reach more customers and prospects.
Jim Tyrrell is Vice President of Enterprise Product Management at TNS with specific responsibility for TNS’ Communications Market solutions.
1.AARP, 2020
2.Kantar Survey, 2022
3.McKinsey & Company, 2022
4.Fast Casual, 2022
5.Boston Medical Center
6.Grand View Research, 2020
7.Linchpin SEO, 2021
Contact Us
TNS Enterprise Branded Calling helps improve call answer and conversion rates, achieve better call durations and gives you a competitive advantage. Fill out this short form for more information from a TNS representative about how branded caller ID can help you and your business succeed.