Global Reach

Real-Time Market Data and Order Execution

Stay Connected to Global Markets

Leverage DMA in trading with real time raw data feeds delivered with ultra-low latency of 5-85 nanoseconds and completely diverse A/B feed segregation.

Delivered globally anywhere on the TNS network, we offer a range of low latency exchange offerings, including via our Layer 1 architecture and colocation facilities. Our team will work diligently to meet your needs wherever you conduct business.


Systems Administration

Global Configuration and Deployment

Outsourced IT Resources

TNS configures and deploys servers at colocation sites for high speed and accurate nanosecond market connectivity and direct market access wherever you work.  

Our global administration and support team monitors your network performance while providing monitoring and systems updates automatically. Integrated data backup and restoration helps ensure that you’ll always have access to mission-critical information. 


End-to-End Monitoring

Complete Transparency

From exchange handoffs to dedicated servers, TNS monitors the health of your operating system 24x7x365. We’ll find, flag, and fix issues that threaten your operations.


Automated Alerts

Resilient Direct Market Access

The TNS platform prioritizes resiliency, uptime and security. For 30 years, we’ve kept our customers connected to global markets.


Global Packet Capture

Solve Network Issues

TNS can provide packet capture capabilities across colocation sites so you can identify and manage network performance issues.


Service Visibility

Avoid Service Disruptions

The TNS Network Operations Centers and monitoring tools can help ensure that service disruptions are avoided before they have a major impact on your trading environment.

Contact Us

Take the next step to determine how TNS’ low latency direct market access services can help your organization today.

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