Traditional financial trading firms, from exchanges and data vendors, to brokers, hedge funds, and even proprietary trading firms, are rapidly embracing cloud computing. However, there are several factors you should consider when embracing a cloud strategy for low-touch to no-touch trading strategies. Keep reading to find out more.  

Challenges and Opportunities  

You should have a clear strategy for cloud implementation and the right people, with the right skills. The cloud can be cost effective to put data in and keep it there, however, taking data out is expensive. Many customers look at the cloud as something that makes business simpler and lowers costs, but you still need to understand how to operate in a business-as-usual capacity, while simultaneously adopting cloud services where appropriate. If this is not a core competency, valuable time and resources will be used in-house trying to figure it all out.  

Public cloud services are great for big data analysis and help financial firms store, move, and manage large amounts of data, allowing you to make more informed trading decisions through effective data analysis. It is also good for transferring large volumes of data between regions and can support adherence to different regulatory requirements. The nature of cloud-delivered services also enables ‘dial-up’ resource on demand, to innovate and pivot to a new initiative when needed, while creating alternative options for ensuring operational resilience.  

Different providers have physical locations from where their cloud solution operates, so understanding that there is a geographic element to any cloud offering is fundamental. Most trading strategies require a highly resilient and scalable infrastructure. Many factors can affect low latency trading, especially hardware location, the number of network hops, deterministic network latency, the hardware specification, and the resiliency of an infrastructure’s architecture, including both the scale and power of network connectivity.  

A Breakthrough, End-to-End Solution 

TNS Cloud – Server Management is a solution that aims to bring the benefit of cloud to low-latency trading infrastructures and co-location environments. It delivers a full-suite of trading infrastructure and support to buy- and sell-side institutions and their vendors.  

Designed for high-performance exchange trading, utilizing TNS’ bare metal servers and ultra-low latency trading connectivity, TNS Cloud – Server Management combines our Dedicated Server hosting capabilities with hands-on server management. This end-to-end offering helps to dramatically reduce your trading center complexity and costs, so you can focus human resources on mission-critical business goals and go-to-market opportunities. 

Up until now, trading organizations often outsourced cloud data center services, but still had to manage their own server resources. This new Server Management, paired with TNS’ established co-location capabilities, is reducing complexity and breaking new ground by providing both infrastructure and end-to-end server management. 

For more information, visit 

Jeff Mezger is Vice President of Product Management at TNS with responsibility for its managed services for the financial industry. He oversees product development and strategy for market data, online and data center services.