By helping deliver dramatically improved call answer rates and subscriber engagement for businesses, TNS’ Enterprise Branded Calling has won a highly prized Fierce Network Innovation Award.
Run by Questex’s Fierce Network, the Fierce Network Innovation Awards honor groundbreaking companies, technologies, and individuals that are revolutionizing the communications industry.
Customer Engagement Recognition
TNS Enterprise Branded Calling, which enables companies to display rich brand information, such as brand name and logo, on incoming call screens, so consumers better understand who is on the other line, won in the awards’ Customer Engagement category.
The relentless barrage of robocalls has eroded trust in voice calls: 68% of US adults never answer a phone call from an unknown number, and 76% have missed calls from unknown numbers that they would have answered had they known who was calling them.
The Challenge for ‘High Touch’ Enterprises
The lack of trust in the voice channel poses challenges to businesses in ‘high touch’ industries, such as finance, healthcare, insurance, retail, hospitality, that rely on voice calls to engage and reach current customers and prospects.
Since being deployed across ‘high touch’ industries, businesses have experienced several benefits with TNS Enterprise Branded Calling.
A corporate advisory firm that works with clients to navigate the shifts in financial markets wanted to better understand how branded calls could improve its clients’ lead generation process. One of the firm’s debt management clients engages its leads with personalized calls to build relationships and gain new business.
After implementing TNS Enterprise Branded Calling, the debt management client noticed the customer engagement rate increase by 133%. TNS’ solution emphasizes not only how a financial services brand can build trust with customers but also how it can be an asset in strengthening the brand’s bottom line.
Another business, a nonprofit dedicated to animal welfare, sought to improve their donation generation process. They heavily relied on voice-calling campaigns to engage with potential donors, but unanswered calls hindered their efforts. TNS Enterprise Branded Calling offered a solution by displaying trusted call content on incoming call screens, encouraging target donors to answer the phone. As a result, the nonprofit experienced a 42% increase in donor call answer rate.
We are delighted that the highly competitive Fierce Network Innovation Awards program has recognized TNS Enterprise Branded Calling for both the significant ROI this service offers businesses, and for meeting consumer demand for branded calling solutions.
Maurie Munro is Vice President of Enterprise Sales at TNS with specific responsibility for TNS Enterprise Product Suite.

TNS Enterprise Branded Calling
Find out more about TNS’ Enterprise Branded Calling.